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Friday, September 14, 2012

2 Pounds of Beans

James’ mom calls him: “James! I need you to go to the market and get me 2 pounds of beans! But don’t you forget, 2 pounds of beans!”
“Yes mom” says James.
So he goes to the market, saying to himself: “2 pounds of beans… 2 pounds of beans…”
On his way, James sees one of his friends; sees a gorgeous woman walking on the other side of the street; watched a guy playing a beautiful song on a sax…
Finally, he gets to the market and tells to the clerk: “Hi, I need 2 pounds of… hmm… 2 pounds of… ehh… of….”
“2 pounds of what?” says the clerk a bit stressed since there was a huge line up…
James still hesitating repeats: “2 pounds of… hmmm…”
“2 pounds of what?” yells the clerk, “2 pounds of lead??”

“Oh yes, 2 pounds of lead, how could I forget!?” James answers.
So he goes home and brings the 2 pounds of “beans”
His mom takes the bag and without noticing it, puts its container in the cauldron.
Later that afternoon, his mom calls him back: “James! I do not want you to buy anymore beans at that place you get me?”
“Why is that mom?” asks James.
The mother answers: “Because. Your grandma farted and killed the cat!”

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